14 June 2017
Industrial Greases
14 June 2017

Food Lubricants

Food Grease G1 NLGI 2

Special food industry grease.

Food Grease K0 NLGI 0

Special food industry grease.

Food Grease R2 NLGI 2

Special food industry grease.

Food Grease K3 NLGI 2

Special food industry grease.

Vaselina Bianca USP

Pharmaceutical / food Vaseline.

Hy Synt FG Iso Serie

Synthetic hydraulic oils for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Read more...

Hy Fluid Food FDA Iso 32, 46, 68

FDA hydraulic oils.

Gear SL FG Iso Serie

Synthetic oils for reducers and bearings.

Engine Sincom / Sincom Faiso 32, 46, 68, 100, 150, 220, 320, 460

Synthetic oils for compressors and hydraulic systems.

White Oil 300

Pharmaceutical white oil.

White Multi FG

Multifunctional white oils ISO 15-68, 80 cSt.

White Oil Lytol

Pharmaceutical white oil.

White Oil 550

Pharmaceutical white oil.

White Oil Carnation

Pharmaceutical white oil.

Kaydol White Oil

Pharmaceutical white oil.

Food Sprays

Chain Food

Non-toxic spray lubricant product for chains.

Solvent Food

Non-toxic spray lubricant product.

Sil 33 Food

Multipurpose silicone spray product.


Wladoil Food Grease G-1 has been formulated to meet the specific lubrication needs encountered in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

It is a lubricating grease based on non-toxic anhydrous calcium soap with a drop point > 140 ° C and an excellent lubricating power in a temperature range from -10 ° C to + 130 ° C. It has an excellent water repellency, a necessary feature because many machines for processing or packaging food and pharmaceutical products are washed very often, at least once a day, with strong jets of detergent and disinfectant solutions. Its good pumpability, allows use even with centralized delivery systems.

W. Food Grease G-1 is mainly indicated for the lubrication of industrial machinery used for food processing when there is the possibility of accidental contacts between the lubricant and the processed products, or in machinery intended for the packaging and packaging of food products.

The W. Food Grease G-1 meets the FDA and NSF-USDA group H1 specifications.




Wladoil Food Grease K0 has been formulated to meet the specific lubrication needs encountered in the food and pharmaceutical industry.

It is a non-toxic complex aluminum soap based lubricant in synthetic polyolefinic lubricating oil with a drop point > 260 ° C and with an excellent lubricating power over a wide temperature range from - 40 ° C to + 180 ° C. It has an excellent water repellency, a necessary feature because many machines for processing or packaging food and pharmaceutical products are washed very often, at least once a day, with strong jets of detergent and disinfectant solutions.

W. Food Grease K0 is mainly indicated for the lubrication of industrial machinery used for food processing when there is the possibility of accidental contact between the lubricant and the processed products, or in machinery intended for the packaging and packaging of food products.

It is very indicated in case of workings that involve critical temperature or run-off conditions.

The W. Food Grease K0 meets the FDA and NSF-USDA group H1 specifications.




W. Food Grease R-2 is a lubricating grease consisting of a pharmaceutical-based fluid base thickened with inert material which gives the product excellent lubricating properties while maintaining toxicity characteristics that comply with the main national and international specifications.

It is an infusible 100% synthetic grease for high temperatures with "FOOD" PTFE.

Given its characteristics it is to be considered an ecological and biodegradable lubricant.

W. Food Grease R-2 is indicated for the lubrication of mechanical organs of plants for processing and packaging of food and pharmaceutical products.

Equipped with high anti-rust and water repellency properties, it ensures excellent performance even in the presence of salt water or acidic juices.

The additive based on TEFLON gives the grease excellent anti-seizing and anti-friction properties (low-friction) even at low temperatures.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY ATOSSIC. Its components consist of substances that are among those allowed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in sections 172.121 / 2589 and 121/2586

Meets the FDA and NSF-USDA group H1 specifications.

It can also be applied with centralized automatic systems.



Wladoil Food Grease K3 has been formulated to meet the specific lubrication needs encountered in the food and pharmaceutical industry.

It is a non-toxic complex aluminum soap based lubricant in synthetic polyolefin lubricating oil with a drop point > 260 ° C and with an excellent lubricating power over a wide temperature range from - 40 ° C to + 180 ° C. It has an excellent water repellency, a necessary feature because many machines for processing or packaging food and pharmaceutical products are washed very often, at least once a day, with strong jets of detergent and disinfectant solutions.

W. Food Grease K3 is mainly indicated for the lubrication of industrial machinery used for food processing when there is the possibility of accidental contact between the lubricant and the processed products, or in machinery intended for the packaging and packaging of food products.

It is very indicated in case of workings that involve critical temperature or run-off conditions.




Vaselina BIANCA USP (white vaseline USP) is a white, silky-looking product with a long fiber structure and a shiny surface.

It is odorless and tasteless, stable to light and oxidation.

It maintains its characteristics during the processing stages.

It is a highly refined product and exceeds the requirements of all international pharmacopoeias: BP, USP, FDA.

Due to its high capacity to bind both oils and water, this vaseline is mainly used for the preparation of ointments, both emulsion and non-emulsion.

In addition to its various uses in the cosmetic industry, it finds applications such as fabric softener in textile treatments; in the food industry as a lubricant and preserver; in the cable-making industry as a slip; in hospitals.



The orducts in the Wladoil Hy SYNT FG range are oils formulated with 100% synthetic bases. They have anti-wear, antioxidant, anti-rust, anti-foam properties and are recommended for all mobile or fixed hydraulic systems.

These oils can be used in all circulating lubrication systems, gearboxes and oil bath speed variators (when oils with specific characteristics of extreme pressure are not required) supports of motors and pumps, air compressors, etc.

Wladoil HY SYNT FG owns:

  • exceptional thermal stability
  • high resistance to oxidation
  • high resistance to hydrolysis)
  • excellent protection against wear

They meet the NSF H1 requirements (lubrication with possible accidental contact with food).

The bases used exceed FDA 178.3620 while additives exceed FDA 178.3570.



Wladoil HY FLUID FOOD FDA are mineral lubricants for the food and pharmaceutical industry.

The Wladoil HY FLUID FOOD FDA range is suitable for use in the hydraulic plants of the food and pharmaceutical industries.

These products are practically colorless and odorless.

They are completely miscible in mineral oils or polyolefin-based, however a thorough flushing or flushing of the system is recommended before using these products.

The Wladoil HY FLUID FOOD FDA products contain specifically additives to give the following characteristics:

- high antioxidant properties, therefore long lasting

- good EP properties

- resistance to foam formation

They have a good natural viscosity index.

They can be used in lubrication with possible accidental contact with food.

The bases used exceed FDA 178.878 and 178.3620 while additives exceed FDA 178.3570.

They comply with the NSF H1 directive.

They do not contain BSE / TSE


GEAR SL FG ISO 68, 150, 220, 320, 460

Wladoil Gear SL FG are fully synthetic lubricants for the food and pharmaceutical industry.

The Wladoil Gear SL FG products are suitable for lubrication of reducers and bearings used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

They have a very low pour point and can therefore be used even at extremely low temperatures.

They are completely miscible in mineral oils or polyolefin-based, however a thorough flushing or flushing of the system is recommended before using these products.

The Wladoil Gear SL FG products contain specifically additives to give the following characteristics:

  • high antioxidant properties, therefore long lasting
  • high viscosity index
  • low pour point
  • good EP properties
  • resistance to foam formation

The bases used exceed FDA 178.3620 while additives exceed FDA 178.3570.


ENGINE SINCOM / SINCOM FA ISO 32, 46, 68, 100, 150, 220, 320, 460

The Wladoil ENGINE SINCOM are synthetic based lubricants (polyalphaolefine) with antioxidant, anti-rust and anti-wear additives.

The Wladoil Engine Sincom / Sincom FA exist in all the main viscosity grades and the choice depends on the manufacturers' recommendation based on the operating temperature.

They are used when high thermo stability and good chemical resistance are required.

The main applications of Wladoil Engine Sincom are therefore:

  • lubrication of the compressors
  • lubrication of bearings
  • use in crank gears
  • "long life" lubrication for circulation systems operating at medium-high temperatures.

The Wladoil Engine Sincom 46 has been specifically designed for screw compressors, but can also be used for other air compressors that require this viscosity.

The Wladoil Engine Sincom 68 also performed well in the alternative and rotary compressors of the most important manufacturers.

The ENGINE SINCOM FA series is formulated with special additive packages that allow its use even in processes where accidental contact with food can occur.

The Wladoil Engine Sincom FA applications are:

  • lubrication of the compressors
  • lubrication of bearings
  • use in crank gears
  • "long life" lubrication for circulation systems operating at medium-high temperatures.

in plants where accidental contact with food may occur.

The Wladoil Engine Sincom / Sincom FA are very stable at high temperatures, thus limiting the formation of carbon deposits in the hot parts of the reciprocating compressors.

They are compatible with the tires normally used in air compressors. They have anti-corrosive properties that protect the components of the compressor lubrication circuit from rust. Furthermore, the anti-wear properties limit the wear and tear of the parts of the compressor subjected to sliding, which is a very effective feature in the screw drive units.



Wladoil White oil 300 is a colorless, odorless and tasteless white oil of 100% mineral origin.

It is stable in light and oxidation. It maintains its characteristics during the processing stages.

It is a highly refined product and exceeds the requirements of the American Pharmacopoeia and the European Pharmacopoeias.

It is a heavy pharmaceutical petroleum jelly, used in the following sectors:

  • medicine
  • cosmetics (INCI "Paraffinum Liquidum")
  • different industrial uses

The product is registered to the NSF according to the H1 regulations (lubrication with possible accidental contact with food).



White MULTI FG are special oils of very high purity, odorless and tasteless.

They are stable in light and oxidation.

They maintain their characteristics during the processing stages.

They are highly refined products and exceed the requirements of the American Pharmacopoeia and the European Pharmacopoeias.

They can be used in the food and pharmaceutical industry machinery, where the use of products with a particularly high degree of purity is required.

They can be used in the lubrication of:

  • joints
  • spindles
  • chains
  • gears
  • flat bearings
  • pistons
  • guides

They can also be used as corrosion protection.

Type 80 cSt is suitable for particular chains or mechanisms that require higher viscosities.

The bases used exceed the FDA 172.878 while the additives exceed FDA 178.3570.

The ISO 68 product is registered to the NSF according to the H1 requirements (lubrication with possible accidental contact with food).



The White oil LYTOL is a very light and tasteless, white mineral oil.

It is stable in light and oxidation.

It maintains its characteristics during the processing stages.

It is a highly refined product and exceeds the requirements of the American Pharmacopoeia and the European Pharmacopoeias.

It is an extremely fluid, light pharmaceutical vaseline oil that, thanks to its exceptional purity and absence of color, odor and taste is widely used in the following sectors:

  • pharmaceutical
  • cosmetics (INCI "Paraffinum Liquidum")
  • different uses



Wladoil White oil 550 is a colorless, odorless and tasteless white mineral oil.

It is stable in light and oxidation. It maintains its characteristics during the processing stages.

It is a highly refined product and exceeds the requirements of the American Pharmacopoeia, the European Pharmacopoeias and the FU. Exceeds the FDA test for contact with food substances.

It is a heavy pharmaceutical petroleum jelly, used in the following sectors:

  • medicine
  • cosmetics (INCI "Paraffinum Liquidum")
  • different industrial uses


It can be used as:

  • component of lubricants for the agri-food industry
  • technological auxiliary even with direct food contact
  • the pharmaceutical industry
  • as an ingredient for the formulation of elastomers and adhesives, as a release agent, antifoam and film-forming agent for the food industry.
  • as an external plasticizer or lubricant for packaging polymers intended for contact with food.

Supply Specifications

FUI, DAB, BP, USP, NF, EUR: ULTIME EDIZIONI; EP III ed. + Add:2000,  FDA 172.878 e 178.3620(a).

Complies with the European Regulation 2011/10 / EC.



Wladoil White oil Carnation is a colorless, odorless and tasteless mineral white oil.

It is stable in light and oxidation. It maintains its characteristics during the processing stages.

It is a highly refined product and exceeds the requirements of the American Pharmacopoeia and the European Pharmacopoeias.

It is a light pharmaceutical petroleum jelly, which due to its exceptional purity and absence of color, smell and taste is widely used in the following sectors:

  • pharmaceutical
  • cosmetics (INCI "Paraffinum Liquidum")
  • different industrial uses

Supply Specifications

FU, DAB, BP, USP, EUR ULTIME EDIZIONI, FDA 172.878 e 178.3620a



Wladoil KAYDOL WHITE OIL is a colorless, odorless and tasteless white mineral oil.

It is stable in light and oxidation. It maintains its characteristics during the processing stages.

It is a highly refined product and exceeds the requirements of the American Pharmacopoeia, the European Pharmacopoeias and the FU.

Exceeds the FDA test for contact with food substances.

It is a heavy pharmaceutical petroleum jelly, used in the following sectors:

  • medicine
  • cosmetics (INCI "Paraffinum Liquidum")
  • different industrial uses

Supply Specifications

FUI, DAB, BP, USP, NF, EUR: ULTIME EDIZIONI; FDA 172.878 e 178.3620a



The WL CHAIN FOOD spray is a non-toxic product for the lubrication of chains.

The product has been studied and formulated specifically to be used in plants that provide accidental contact with food, drugs or cosmetics.

It is indicated in the following sectors:

  • food industry
  • pharmaceutical industry
  • cosmetic industry
  • general lubrication of all types of chain even with accidental contact with food

The base that makes up The WL CHAIN FOOD spray is made of 100% synthetic fluid.

It is equipped with anti-wear, anti-rust, anti-wear packages to preserve the chains both in the metal part and in the sealing rings.

This formulation gives the product the following characteristics:

  • high ease of application
  • high penetrating power
  • excellent chemical inertia
  • excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion
  • excellent adhesion and moisture resistance
  • excellent compatibility with all plastics, rubbers, metals in general

The product is registered to the NSF according to the H1 regulations (lubrication with possible accidental contact with food).



The WL SOLVENT FOOD spray is a non-toxic product for general lubrication.

The product has been studied and formulated specifically to be used in plants that provide accidental contact with food, drugs or cosmetics.

It is indicated in the following sectors:

food industry

pharmaceutical industry

cosmetic industry

general lubrication of kinematisms operating with normal loads lubrication of o-rings, sealing elements, various controls

The base that makes up the WL SOLVENT FOOD spray is made of white oil with very high purity, fluid, exceeds the European pharmacopoeias.

It is odorless and colorless, totally non-toxic, devoid of aromatic compounds.

This formulation gives the product the following characteristics:

  • high ease of application
  • high penetrating power
  • excellent chemical inertia
  • excellent resistance to oxidation
  • excellent compatibility with all plastics, rubbers, metals in general.

Meets NSF H1 requirements (lubrication with possible accidental contact with food).



The WL SIL 33 FOOD spray is a product based on silicone oil

WL SIL 33 FOOD Spray is completely colorless and odorless. It is designed specifically for use also in plants in the food sector.

The product has multiple uses: as a slip for gaskets, waterproofing, as a glue for bottling lines, for the light lubrication of the chains and the mechanisms of automatic systems.

The WL SIL 33 FOOD spray consists of medium viscosity silicone fluid.

It is completely colorless and odorless.

Its main features are:

  • high ease of application
  • high penetrating power
  • total chemical inertia
  • excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion
  • excellent compatibility with all plastics, rubbers, metals in general.

The product does not contain substances listed in Directive 2000/53 / EC, Directive 2002/95 / EC

The product is registered to the NSF according to the H1 regulations (lubrication with possible accidental contact with food).

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