Two stroke engine
13 June 2017
Special Fluids
13 June 2017
Four stroke engine

SBK evolution Sae 10W-40
Fully synthetic lubricant specifically formulated for high performance 4-stroke motorcycle engine. Read more...
MOTO 4 BS Sae 10W-40/15W-50/0W-30
Synthetic based lubricants designed specifically for motorcycles with 4-stroke engines. Read more...
Racing Motor Oil Sbk Sae 10W-60
4-stroke motorcycle engine oil.
Top 4 Racing Sae 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40
Oils for 4-stroke engine bikes.
Blue Power Sae 10W-50
Oils for 4-stroke engine bikes.
Scooter 4T Sae 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40
Oils for 4-stroke engine bikes.
Mvs Motor Oil Sae 20W-50
Oils for 4-stroke engine bikes.
Motor Oil Sp1 Sae 10W-40
Oils for 4-stroke engine bikes.
Uni-Hld Sae 50
Oils for 4-stroke bikes.

Fully synthetic lubricant specifically formulated for high performance 4-stroke motorcycle engine.
WLADOIL SBK EVOLUTION 10W-40 is formulated to ensure excellent lubricating power in all kind of 4-stroke motorcycle engines, especially those with high performance and very high rpm.
The performances of the motorcycles increase as well as the engine life.
WLADOIL SBK EVOLUTION 10W-40 is a fully synthetic product with excellent perfomances in many ways. The products are extremely stable both chemically and phisically even at high operating temperatures. In fact thanks to the high viscosity index the rheological characteristics vary very little with temperature variation ensuring an excellent engine operation even in extreme environmental conditions.
A special additive is used that, at very high engine speeds, reduces the friction of bearings and piston, with the double result of higher wheel power and less engine heating.
The main characteristics are:
- Excellent rubber compatibility of sealing rings avoiding wear and tear of the same and oil leaks.
- Reducing wear on engine moving parts in particular the transmission gear thanks to the special additives capable of withstanding extreme loads.
- Reduction of high temperature deposit formation at high temperature, a considerable problem especially in 4-stroke motorcycle engines, preventing the engine from becoming dirty with a consequent risk of seizing.
- Reduction of the amount of air in the lubricant and therefore the formation of foam, especially at high rotational speeds.
Specifications and approvals:
MOTO 4 BS SAE 10W-40 / 15W-50 / 0W-30
WLADOIL MOTO 4 BS are synthetic based lubricants designed specifically for motorcycles with 4-stroke engines.
Synthetic based lubricants for 4-stroke high performance engines and transmissions and clutches. The particular additivation makes them suitable for sports use and in multi-valve engines of modern motorcycles. Wladoil MOTO 4 BS are equipped with high cleaning power that prevents the formation of sludge.
Suitable for long distance use thanks to their quality level with a significant reduction in consumption of lubricant.
WLADOIL MOTO 4 BS are formulated with specific additives that enhance the antioxidant and detergent characteristics making it particularly effective even in the most severe conditions of use.
Wladoil MOTO 4 BS exceeds API SJ and JASO MA specifications.
The WLADOIL RACING MOTOR OIL SBK 10W-60 is a fully synthetic lubricant specifically formulated for high performance 4T motorcycles.
The particular formulation of the WLADOIL RACING MOTOR OIL SBK 10W-60 ensures excellent lubricating power in all types of 4-stroke motorcycle engines, especially those with high performance and very high rpm.
The product increases motorcycle performance and engine life.
It is a totally synthetic product that allows you to achieve exceptional performance from all points of view. IIn particular, in the presence of high operating temperatures, the product is extremely stable both chemically and physically. In fact, its viscosity varies very little as the temperature varies, guaranteeing excellent engine performance even under extreme environmental conditions.
It contains a special additive which, at very high engine revs, reduces the friction between the bushings and the piston, with the double result of higher power at the wheel and less heating of the engine.
The main features are:
- excellent compatibility with the rubber of the sealing rings, thus avoiding wear and tear over time and oil leakages.
- reduction of wear on the moving parts of the engine, in particular the transmission gears thanks to special additives able to withstand extreme loads.
- reduction of the formation of high temperature deposits, a very important problem, especially in 4-stroke motorcycle engines, fact that prevents the engine from getting dirty, and avoids the consequent risk of seizure.
- reduction of the amount of air incorporated in the lubricant and therefore of the formation of foam, especially at high rotational speeds.
- compatible with oil-bath clutch-change units.
Performance level
The Wladoil RACING MOTOR OIL SBK 10W-60 exceeds the following specifications:
TOP 4 RACING SAE 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40
WLADOIL TOP 4 RACING are fully synthetic lubricants specifically formulated for high performance 4T motorcycles.
The range of WLADOIL TOP 4 RACING is formulated to ensure excellent lubricity in all types of 4-stroke motorcycle engines, especially those with high performance and very high rpm.
Motorcycle performance and engine life are increased.
The products in the range are totally synthetic with exceptional performances from all points of view. Even in the presence of high operating temperatures, the products are extremely stable both chemically and physically. Thanks to the high viscosity index, in fact, the rheological characteristics vary very little as the temperature changes, ensuring optimum engine performance even under extreme environmental conditions.
A special additive is used which, at very high engine revs, reduces the friction between the bushings and the piston, with the double result of higher power at the wheel and less heating of the engine.
The main features are:
- excellent compatibility with the rubber of the sealing rings, thus avoiding wear and tear over time and oil leakages.
- reduction of wear on the moving parts of the engine, in particular the transmission gears thanks to special additives able to withstand extreme loads.
- reduction of the formation of high temperature deposits, a very important problem, especially in 4-stroke motorcycle engines, thus preventing the engine from getting dirty and so avoiding the consequent risk of seizure.
- reduction of the amount of air incorporated in the lubricant and therefore the formation of foam, especially at high rotational speeds.
The Wladoil TOP 4 RACING exceed the following specifications:
The WLADOIL BLUE POWER is a lubricant formulated specifically for high performance motorcycles 4T engines. The particular formulation of the WLADOIL BLUE POWER ensures excellent lubricating power in all types of 4-stroke motorcycle engines, especially those with high performance and very high rpm.
The product increases motorcycle performance and engine life.
It is a product consisting of base oils of synthetic origin that allow to achieve exceptional performance from all points of view. In particular, in the presence of high operating temperatures, the product is extremely stable both chemically and physically. In fact, its viscosity varies very little as the temperature varies, guaranteeing excellent engine performance even under extreme environmental conditions.
t contains a special additive which, at very high engine revolutions, reduces the friction between the bushings and the piston, with the double result of higher power at the wheel and less heating of the engine.
The bases and additives used are almost inert towards the rubber of the sealing rings, thus avoiding wear and tear over time and oil leakages.
Another feature of the WLADOIL BLUE POWER is the reduction of the wear of the moving parts of the engine, in particular the transmission gears, thanks to special additives able to withstand extreme loads.
The use of WLADOIL BLUE POWER reduces the formation of deposits at high temperature, a very important problem especially in 4-stroke motorcycle engines, thus preventing the engine from getting dirty and so avoiding the consequent risk of seizure.
Another technical feature of the WLADOIL BLUE POWER is the ability to reduce the amount of air incorporated in the lubricant and therefore the formation of foam, especially at high rotational speeds.
The Wladoil BLUE POWER exceeds the following specifications:
JASO T 903:2006
SCOOTER 4T SAE 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40
The WLADOIL SCOOTER 4T are lubricants specifically designed for use in scooters with 4-stroke engines.
WLADOIL SCOOTER 4T products can be used in scooters of all types and cubic capacity thanks to the wide range of viscosities available.
All WLADOIL SCOOTER 4T have special additives that enhance antioxidant and detergent characteristics, making them very effective even in the most severe conditions of use.
They are available in three types:
The Wladoil SCOOTER 4T range exceeds the API SL and JASO MB specifications
The Wladoil MVS Motor Oil has been specially formulated for 4-stroke engines for motorcycles and scooters.
It is suitable for use in very long journeys, even under very severe operating conditions and with great mechanical efforts.
Its formulation combined with the high viscosity and the wide range of gradation ensures:
- maximum protection thanks to the maintenance of viscosity values even with prolonged use
- excellent lubrication even in mechanical parts with high play
- excellent anti-wear thanks to the tenacious film deposited on the metal surfaces of the moving parts
- excellent detergent and dispersant power to prevent the formation of carbon residues
The WLADOIL MOTOR OIL SP1 10W-40 is a lubricant designed specifically for use in motorcycles with 4-stroke engines.
It is a synthetic-based lubricant for high-performance 4-stroke engines and clutch-change assemblies.
The particular additives make it suitable for sports use and in the multi-valve engines of modern motorcycles.
The Wladoil MOTOR OIL SP1 10W-40 is equipped with a high detergent power that prevents the formation of sludge.
Suitable for long-distance use due to its quality level, it gives a significant reduction in consumption
of lubricant.
The WLADOIL MOTOR OIL SP1 10W-40 is formulated with specific additives that enhance its antioxidant and detergent characteristics, making it particularly effective even in the most severe conditions of use.
The Wladoil MOTOR OIL SP1 10W-40 exceeds the API SL and JASO MA-2 specifications
WLADOIL UNI-HLD SAE 50 is a unigrade lubricant specifically formulated for 4T engines of large single or two-cylinder capacity.
The WLADOIL UNI-HLD SAE 50 is specially formulated for the lubrication of large-capacity single-cylinder and two-cylinder engines.
It is a mineral-based, unigrade, high viscosity product. Thanks to its peculiar characteristics and to the multifunctional package used, it guarantees excellent lubrication even at high temperatures, reducing sludge formation and mechanical noise. The oil pressure remains constant during use, even at low revs, a typical condition of 4-cylinder single-cylinder or twin-cylinder engines.
The Wladoil UNI-HLD exceeds the following specifications: